Overheating and air inclusions can cause malfunctions in a conventional solar energy system. In order to counter these problems, Helvetic Energy developed the BackBox System more than 10 years ago. Due to its intelligent gravitational drainage system, these problems are non-existent with the BackBox System. 80% of our Solar energy systems are installed with a drainage system. Helvetic Energy GmbH in Flurlingen is a developer and producer of flat-plate and vacuum-tube collectors and a leading system provider in the field of renewable energy. Conergy invented the BackBox drainage system for overheating protection of solar energy systems. For more information: http://www.helvetic-energy.ch/
Deutsche Erklärung zu Drainback-System

In einem Drain Back System wird die Solarflüssigkeit bei Gefahr von Überhitzung aus dem System abgeleitet.
Dies verhindert das die Flüssikkeit überhitzt und in Dampf übergeht, was in südlichen Ländern zu hohen Stagnationstemperaturen und Systemausfällen führt.